What’s Teq!


Teqball is a new football-based sport, which is perfectly suitable for professional footballers as well as amateur enthusiasts whose ambition is to develop their technical skills, concentration, and stamina. However, it is not only your skills we can improve on this specially-bent board. All we need is an opponent at the other end of the Teqball table and the game can begin! If you can juggle a ball three times, you can excel at Teqball as well.


Teqball is the purest type of football, since there is no physical contact between the players, and therefore injuries resulting from impacts or rough tackling can never take place in the game or during practice. Moreover, the players cannot touch the table either, according to the official rules, which further reduces the risk of injury.


Teq TableTeqball Table: The soul of Teqball is the table and it is a ball sport that resembles table tennis, but it is a curved table. A new and revolutionary piece of sports equipment which took over two years of testing and research to eventually develop its final innovative and sophisticated shape. The net is solid Plexi and thus the ball bounces back from it, so the concept of uninterrupted games is no longer a dream. The structure of the Teqball table, aligned with the rules, does not allow luck or chance to interfere with the game: players can only rely on their skills and abilities.


Teqball can be played either indoor or outdoor. The tables are fully waterproof and UV proof. Also, the tables are with fixed structure, easy to assemble, and it can be fixed to the ground. There are two types of tables – Teqball One and Teqball Smart. The official competition is played on Teq One while the Teqball Smart tables are used for practice sessions. Also, the Teq Smart tables are foldable and mobile from place to place easily.


Teqball: Teqball can be played with any soccer balls used in football. However, FIFA size 5 is an official and recommended ball for teqball. Its colour must be different from the jersey colour of both side players. Air pressure of the ball in the competition should follow the FIFA standards.


Teqball Rules

Teqball can certainly be played by rules created by the players, but the official rules of the game are very simple. The fundamental rules of teqball are below. However, the detailed rules can be downloaded via https://www.teqball.com/en/teqball/rules

  1. A teqball match consists of a best-of-three sets game.
  2. Each set is won when a score of 12 points has been achieved by one player, a change of serving being mandatory after each fourth point.
  3. Every player has two attempts to complete a successful service. In serving, the ball must always bounce behind the service line (it is also a successful service if the line is touched).
  4. It is forbidden to touch the ball twice consecutively with the same body part.
  5. The players may return the ball using any body part except their hands, by touching it a maximum of three times.
  6. In doubles, the team members must pass the ball at least once to each other before returning it to the opponent’s side of the table by touching it a maximum of three times.
  7. If the ball bounces on the edge of the table and changes direction, it is considered an ‘edge ball.’ In this case, the rally shall be repeated (this only applies if no one touches the ball before it bounces on the ground).
  8. While playing, neither the equipment nor the opponent shall be touched.

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